Why Andishe Farda

  • professional Consultation
  • Up-to-date information
  • Maintain security
  • Regular backup
  • Standard support
  • Maintain confidentiality

Network support contract

:Below are the most important items in the contract
Informing the employer about the current hardware and software problems and fixing the defects at his request
Maintaining network and information security, preventing intrusion and internal and external damage
Submitting the work report of all the cases done to the respected employer
Controlling people’s access to hardware and software resources at the employer’s request
Making backup copies of all collection information in specific periods
Providing necessary arrangements to minimize software and hardware problems in the future
Beginner network training for users to use hardware and software resources correctly
Consulting and providing organizational solutions to advance the goals and expand the group’s activities
Follow-up and coordination to fix all network-related issues, including administrative automation.
Clock making, printer hardware service and things like that
If necessary, refer to the article of the network support contract so that you can read its details completely

Network Support Frequently Asked Questions

The services of setting up and supporting computer networks are very diverse and according to the conditions and needs of a complex, different services are installed and set up, the most common of which are setting up and modifying passive networks, setting up and Support of virtual servers, sharing of hardware and software resources such as files, folders and printers, control of users’ access to various hardware and software resources, including the amount of Internet consumption.

In the support contract of Andisheh Farda network, it is clearly discussed about non-disclosure of information (NDA), which can solve your concern in this regard. Also, many organizations include a non-disclosure clause (NDA) in their employment contracts.

Andishe Farda network support contracts do not have a time basis and are a fixed amount on a monthly basis, therefore network support experts do their best to solve possible network problems in the shortest possible time, because this issue is in the interest of each It is two-sided and reduces the workload of both, so don’t worry about it.

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Calling and announcing network needs and problems

It is enough to make a phone call and state the needs of your collection. The more complete the requirements of the desired collection and the more detailed information about the network problems of the collection. Our colleagues can provide them with the necessary guidance.

Announcing the number of hardware and software equipment

In the phone call, the most important thing is to announce the number of hardware equipment such as the number of physical servers, computers and peripheral equipment such as routers, printers and access points, as well as information about the services used such as file sharing. Backup services, financial and administrative software under the server and things like that have priority.

Contract support and physical examination

If the employer agrees with the announced conditions and prices, the expert will appear in the complex and the network support contract will be concluded. Also, the review needed to validate the said items and the needs of the collection will be measured and announced.

Network and server support services

Network and server support services are completely dependent on each other, and servers are considered the most important components of a computer network, because servers are servicing all computers in the network, and their failure can affect the operation of all computers and to influence people.

By default, server support and maintenance includes the duties of a network support expert, and the person in question must have sufficient knowledge and experience to support servers.

But it should be noted that specialized cases that occur very rarely require sending the server to specialized server centers to solve the problem.

Network and hardware support services

Network support and hardware are also very dependent on each other, but don’t forget that many things must be done professionally to get the best result in the shortest time.

It is the same in relation to hardware support, the network support expert has general information about different hardware and can identify the general problems that most computers face and purchase the replacement part and compare it to Replace it.

But when the problem is not a common problem and cannot be identified by network support, the hardware expert must identify the problem and fix it. For this, it is necessary for the network support expert to take the necessary steps to transfer to The hardware and transfer specialist will take care of the delivery of the part in the end.

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